Thursday, November 18, 2010


I got this kitchen gaget when our toaster died and Mama's oven was no longer working. I picked this one because it was bigger and because it has a rotisary capability. Its so fun!

Here is uncooked naked chicken.

Here is finished product. Yum!

The problem with chicken is its not easy to center on the spit if you can tell. I've also done pork and turkey cuts which turned out fabulous. Maybe I should try cow next?


helmhq said...

Looks delicious. Maybe you need to cook something on that thing for us! i'm kind of tired of cooking. Do you think one would inspire Dad to do some cooking?

Smart Helm said...

I'm glad ur enjoying the rotis.. the oven thing. When u cooked that chicken when I visited it tasted wonderful!

Helm 9 of 10 said...

Um.. In my experience the only thing that would get dad to cook would be to leave him alone in the house for about 3 days... by then he would run out of Breakfast Cereal :)

txparkinsons said...

it looks yummy... and i like cow ...