Friday, November 12, 2010

cure for mosquito bites

In looking in my photo folder I came across some pictures. I was trying to get some good ones to show the massive amounts of bites that Melanie and I had after boating on Utah lake. So of course I thought I would share ALL of them. more is better right?

can you see them on her arm and legs?

yes we love white legs. Don't you?

red shows up even more on pasty legs.

are you all itchy now? I get itchy anytime someone mentions lice. Unfortunately someone is mentioning that pretty frequently and I'm itchy a lot.

I threw in this picture cause its in my photo file and its more white legs. I found lots of bruises while in Hawaii. I think the newer (redder) bruise was from the airplane arm rest thingy that I kept hitting on the flight, not sure where the rest came from (they were all over my legs)

Back to the topic on hand. No cure for lice itchies but Melanie and I did find a cure for mosquito bites:

Pizza. It cures all.
ps this is from Andy and Simi's newish pizza place. Yum.


Jamie Pearson said...

Oh man this post made me laugh, okay not because of your massive amount of bites but for the pure fact that you put that many pictures of your legs up on your blog. Thanks for the laugh i sure do miss you

helmhq said...

Do legs come in any other colors?
And yes, just talking about those wicked mosquitoes makes me itch.

Smart Helm said...

I agree with Jamie. You are so funny! And i think the Gartz's pizza place will continue to be a smash. Alot of food for not very much money and pizza always taste's great! We have so much fun together. I need to move closer...

txparkinsons said...

WHITE LEGS ROCK! and when all you brown people are suffering from skin cancer .. well ... we won't...yeah..

and it's just so wrong to put vegetables on pizza.

wv=melessed - you melessed with my pizza!