Monday, February 21, 2011

action shots

Iwas in a bit of a bad mood yesterday but not sure why. Maybe cause I got some bad news from work. Maybe because I took a short nap (generally a mistake for me), maybe cause I stayed up late the night before and woke up later then I meant to. Maybe because I didn't eat breakfast or lunch, just grazed. Anyways it was a good Sunday our sunbeams were good and after church there was chocolate which is always good so really I shouldn't have been the least bit ornery.

I even did a crockpot meal of pork, onions, and shrooms so there wasn't much to do besides mashed potatoes, cornbread, and reduce the gravy. I think I like beef better then pork in this combo btw.

Anyways here is another camera post:
Thorpe got a new "Monkey" for christmas. He always goes right in and gets his new lovey every Christmas morning and is probably the most content of anybody with what Santa brings.

I used Thorpe to try out the sport or action features of my new camera. I can scroll through these fast on my camera and watch it happen. I don't know how to do that on blogger, but maybe if you scroll down fast you can see it in action?

Group 1

That was fun, maybe I should try more frames per second? Second Try:

Ok got the timing wrong on this one. I'll try throwing the monkey this time

Hmmm no real action here either. It was late and Thorpe was just not into it. This last series continued with Thorpe picking up his monkey and laying down. I think he was done.

"Its late people. Just let me love my monkey in peace."


Smart Helm said...

That would be great if u were trying to make a music video :-)

helmhq said...

Thorpe is pleased with his pictures. He is glad he looks so handsome in them!

txparkinsons said...

thorpe ... silly dog.