Tuesday, July 14, 2009

quick post

Yay mom has joined the blogosphere! http://www.helmhq.blogspot.com/

I kind of like the posts that are about just day to day stuff and I'm excited to be able to follow mom's adventures. I started to leave a long comment on mom's blog and decided to just do a quick post here instead. Speaking of comments how come I got 8 on my last post but only 3 on the one before that? Maybe it was too long?

The bananna icecream from Sunday was ok. It was actually too rich and creamy I feel for homemade icecream, but its growing on me. I think I like fresh banannas better then carmalized ones. Next time I need to remember that just cause it has a fill line doesn't mean that I need to make that much icecream each time! Does anyone know a way to store homemade icecream so you can get it back out? I feel like I have to get an icepick and chip away at it to get any. Oh well, burns more calories.

Also my first zuchinni pizza was a success although I didn't get the "crust" part as crusty as I like it. I've got to figure out a way to make that without heating up the whole house, but I think its imposible.

Yesterday Cathy came by for FHE and it was a very nice evening... not too hot, but just right. We enjoyed the weather, had a short lesson and then had icecream with Kate's chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. Cathy had wanted smores but we didn't really need treats after the icecream. But we had a fire anyways. This is me we are talking about afterall. I had a bunch of twigs left over from trimming the trees and boy did those things burn well! Flames shot up higher then the back wall probably about 10 ft and lit up all of the back yard. It was very exciting! I hope it doesn't get so hot that we don't want to burn things. I really love blackened hot dogs. I have my emergency smore kit all prepared for the very next roast. But need to get some roasting sticks. I thought I had some last year but I think they were little Katie's since they aren't here any more.

Well its beyond late and I have lots to do tomorrow. I will end with some pictures of snails that have died in my garden. They were eating everything so I had to put down some bait stuff. I don't feel bad about the slugs because they shrivel up to nothing but the snails leave behind evidence of my killing ways. I am so not an organic gardener apparently.

The second photo is just from under the hollyhocks in the stump garden. No wonder there were lots of holes in the leaves.

Now I need some grasshopper and earwig bait. ewwww gross!


Sarah Jarvis said...

Hey, you should invite us over next time you have a fire. Noah would have loved it and Max would have crawled right into it. Sounds like a lot of fun! And we would not have minded the AMAZING ice cream as well. :-)

helmhq said...

I am so glad it's too dry here to have that many snails and slugs. Ours are pretty small. The ice cream sounds wonderful. I'm lamenting the last of our homemade stuff. That choc. that we made in the two freezers so there was lots of room to whip in more air was much easier to scoop after it was in the freezer a few days. Have you tried an electric frying pan for the pizza? It could go outside for cooking.

Smart Helm said...

Hey Mom, I'm gonna try that sometime soon. I've read up all about it but we'll see if it works.

Thanks for getting Mom all set up! And I like fire to. Perhpas I better come visit.

Jamie Pearson said...

oh man your zucchini pizza!! I love that. I'm glad you can enjoy the backyard and way to go on killing all those snails.

Heidi said...

When I use the fat free half and half (for non-custard) ice creams, the texture is much better for putting away in your freezer. It's way scoopable. I've never tried it for a custard ice cream (i.e. cooked) so I don't know what that would be like.

Jamie Pearson said...

Yeah Em I must took a skirt I liked and then followed the tutorial on the blog i sent you. I was able to do it in a couple hours this morning. I was only stupid once and that was on the zipper I somehow pinned it all crooked and then had to unstich the whole thing. Anyways you should totally try it

txparkinsons said...

lets hope mom actually blogs ...

if you set out the ice cream for a little while before you actually try to get some out ... if you can wait that long ... it might get out better ...