Thursday, July 16, 2009


i can't believe how fast grean beans come on. Now I need to figure out what to do with all of them. I cooked some turkey bacon, onion (from the garden), added some butter, dill, pepper, basil, and cooked the beans. I never realized how long it takes for beans to cook, but it ended up being very tasty,! I should probably pick them everyday. I ate a bag full for dinner and I think Mama ate one for lunch. So to show a picture I just went outside with a flashlight and picked a couple. Half of the bean crop is producing which is good so that I will have the crop spread outa bit... hopefully.

I bought some more squash today to make up for the crispy ones (plus a few extra), but they didn't have the kinds I wanted, and its probably too late for me to get any fruit off of them. However Squash look productive and make me feel good about my gardening skills. Its ok for a little garden pride because my lawn makes me very humble.

I also got some berries to replace the crispy ones, plus a few extra :) It was very difficult picking between the varieties so I'm proud that I only realy got one extra sortof.

Yesterday I was able to hook up some parts of my drip system. I moved all the "misters" to the edges of the porch were they will water the hanging pots, and hopefully still work to cool it off somewhat. I still need to move the lines out quite a bit to water the things that need it. Hopefully will get that done tomorrow along with all the other millions of things to do.

ITS GETTING HOT AND I HATE IT. just so you know.

While waiting for things to cook, I've been eating cheese and crackers. I got this cheese from costco and it is amazing. I won't describe it too much or you would drool and posibly ruin your keyboard. Its white chedder, called champaign.

This is how I like to eat it. With a slice of tomato on a cracker.

I also picked my first cucumber today. Its small, and the skin is bitter, but the cukes should get better as the season goes on.


Jamie Pearson said...

I am so jealous about your garden. I am about to go buy miracle grow to see if i can help my garden out.

Sarah Jarvis said...

You are amazing. Good job on the potatoes, beans, and all the blogging. I like it. We are doing dinner up the canyon tonight, wanna come? I will call you or call me. We would love to have you.

Bethanie said...

Yeah for growing things. I also have a cucumber growing and I am so excited to eat it. I really want my pumkin to have a girl flower. It just keeps blooming away with boy flowers. The are really big and pretty, but not that is not the reason for planting it.

Montana at the Helm said...

My poor cucumber plant went the way of the earth. I'm sad it didn't make it because Gage really likes them. Gage would be in heaven in your garden with such a great variety of things to pick!

Smart Helm said...

Wow, ur gonna have to start bring produce 2 church and hiding it in peoples cars :-). Actually, I'm sure u can use it! If I was there, I would help can any leftovers.

I'm sorry its hot 4 u. Its 112 here today (and I got another squash off my plant!). Just sayin'.

Melissa Bunn said...

Wow! You should can your extra beans. I was just given a really neat preserving book and it talks about canning green beans. It made me excited to can, except I have to buy all my fruit and vegetables.

helmhq said...

I also jealous. I go out every day to see if my beans have grown. They are so very slow and I'm so hungry for "real" beans.