Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ward Campout

Yesterday I finished many of the things on my list. I got my car washed and vacumed. Planted the filler plants and some more squash. Worked on the drip system. Went shopping.

Then my friend Adrien called. "Are you going to the ward campout?"
Me: "Yes. ummmm when is it?"
Adrien: "Tonight."

Actually it didn't go quite like that but I was very greatful for her call. I always mean to go to ward activities but the date in the ward bulletin doesn't often translate into me going. Or I know the date of the activity but I don't know what today is... So I told her I would go and made sure what time dinner was as thats very important to me :)

Anyways I got my stuff together and I went. And I had a good time. But now I need a nap :)

I should've looked at a map because I didn't know exactly how to get to hobble creek. Well after driving around a lot and calling Kate I got to where I needed to go. It was beautiful up in the canyon.

Here is who I ate with. Sister Nickles is the first one who welcomed me into the ward, with her friend. She always remembers me and says hi to me. She brought up a car full of ladies just for the dinner and evening. I took these photos on the sly.

Here is a picture of Adrien and her mom. Its great to have friends in the ward. I know Adrien from the singles ward. She is awesome!

There was some entertainment:

There was fire (very important):

And I used tons of bug spray and I didn't get bit!

And there were lots and lots of stars. (My phone doesn't take pictures of those).

I set my bed up and slept pretty comfortably. Except that when Sister Nichols learned I wasn't sleeping in a tent she said, "What about the bears?" I wasn't worried until I had gone to bed and was starting to fall asleep and heard something from the grove of trees. Then the first thought in my mind was "BEAR!" I shined my light over there and there was nothing. I did that a couple more times through the night....

Had a great breakfast and it was just so pretty and cool.
Before leaving I made sure to get my feet wet in the creek. It was COLD! In retrospect I should've found a place to set my bed up close to the creek. I think the sounds would've helped me sleep longer.

I came home and needed a shower but also needed to mow the lawn before it got too hot. Too late (for the too hot part) but it needed to be done anyways so I did it. Then I was hot and blotchy and had fun taking pictures of myself looking hot and blochy.

This is me aout 20 minuets later before showering. Still blotchy.

I showered and look better now, and at least I'm not soooo smelly.

Today's list: Wipe down inside of car, clean bathroom, pick beans, figure out what i'm cooking tomorrow and buy any needed groceries.


Chelsea said...

I love that every other paragraph has "in retrospect..." in it. :)

helmhq said...

Fun that you got to go camping. I'm glad you joined your ward. It was probably lots cooler up the canyon. Hope you have sufficiently recovered from the heat.

Sarah Jarvis said...

Ah, I feel like it is my fault you got lost. I hope I did not confuse you, I was just trying to explain the 'Kelly Grove' part. Sorry.
But it does sound really pretty and fun.
We ended up going to Deer Creek so we could swim and we missed you lots.
Let me know about this weekend. We will be up AF canyon Saturday day/night.

Bethanie said...

I'm glat that you got to go and have a good time. oh, and I think you still look cute even when you are hot, smelly and blotchy!!

Jamie Pearson said...

I am so glad that Adrien is in your ward to keep track of you. I love camping and how fun that you slept outside. I need to stop reading sarah's comments they are making me homesick. I am also glad you didn't get eaten by a bear, good thing you weren't sleeping with any food. Oh and very nice pictures of you being hot and blotchy..hehe love ya

Smart Helm said...

I knew u went camping cuz u talked 2 me on the phone! It's fun that u got all those pictures.

Dumb bears! I wish I coulda gone wading with u, u know I woulda.

I love the faces ur making in the pictures.

txparkinsons said...

you slept outside without a tent? with bugs? yer either brave or ...

your blotchy doesn't look as purple as mine and you seem to recover quickly. good. i wouldn't wish my face on anyone.

yer beautiful!