Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Take me out to the BAAALLLLL Game

Mamarine got free tickets to the Orem Owlz (local minor league farm team for the Annahiem Angles). So we went to the game. I think there was like 30 seconds of really exciting parts and the rest was not quite so entertaining. I'm not really sure what the whole baseball thing is, but I think Jamie's softball games were more exciting.

It was COLD out there! I think winter is on its way. So I'm sitting here drinking hot chocolate with ice cream (to warm up), and a hot dog that I grilled up (watching others eating them at the ballpark got to me).

Now we are watching "She's the man" which I have to say is one of my favorite funny movies, especially watching it late with my roommates!


Smart Helm said...

It's cooled off here too.. I think it's only supposed to be 98 today!
I think baseball games are boring too. I think u have to know people in the game or at least care about the outcome. It is fun to see how fast those guys pitch the ball.
I haven't heard of that movie.. why haven't u shared? (whine whine)

Jared said...

I saw a picture on your blog.
snow in the mountains here!

Bethanie said...

why are all these blogs popping up. Like daisies!!
Why didn't you tell me? Is it because I live so far away? I hate that blahh
I'm glad that you are though. Makes it so that I have an excuse to be on my computer longer HAH!


Chelsea said...

Can you believe that people pay MONEY to watch baseball? I completely agree with you there!
Nice blog, btw. I'll be calling you tonight. :)

Bethanie said...

I'm talking to you on the phone ha ha. I guess I;m doubly talking to you and you don't know it!


oh now i can see why you dont come and hang out with me anymore. your to busy with this. the birdman