Sunday, September 7, 2008

restful sunday

I've had a great weekend! Mom and Dad came Saturday just a little afternoon on their way back from dropping Angela off at school. It took longer then expected to get everything all arranged, so they left Rexburg Friday night instead of Friday afternoon. But, I was able to get the back yard mowed, and my car washed before they came so it was ok. Speaking of getting cars washed... that took a long time and was rather pricy! But it is nice having the upholstery clean, and a shiny car.

We (mom, dad, jamie, and i) went to Andy and Simi (sp?) for lunch which was great. We had dessert too (chocolate, lemon, and blueberry tarts). YUMM!!!!

Then we went for a hike up to Stewart falls. It was further then expected, and some people we passed said we were still far away, so we decided to turn around. However, we got back really quick so we could have gone all the way! We came back to my house and I showed mom and dad some youtube stuff I had been looking at. (paralympics are going on) Then we went to check the parents in at the hotel and eat dinner (at the spaghetti factory) while Jamie did homework (at least that what she said). We stopped at the mall and checked out deseret book and then I got some blouses at Mervyns. The parents were tired so they went to the hotel and I went to the grocery store with Jamie and Mamarine. I watched part of a movie and ate popcorn.

This morning I made zucchini pizza casserole (recipe to follow) and then we went to Regional conference. Elder Jensen, Sister Dibb, Elder Packer, and Elder Uchtdorf all spoke. It was a really great conference and I enjoyed having Mom and Dad there.

I finished up the pizza and we made mango salsa (mom and my roommates all helped) for lunch. Afterwards mom and dad got back on the road with some more fresh tomatoes from my garden (i like to share that stuff!)

I'm finding its hard to type because I cut my finger while chopping green peppers for the salsa. Seems like Melanie has been rubbing off on me!I love having the rest of Sunday still to rest and enjoy.

My church meeting time moved back to 9:30 which is my favorite time! still can sleep in, but have a whole Sunday! Jamie is sad because her peacefull nap was broker by the old man that we think lives around the corner (he used to live in an old trailer there, but last I heard his family had moved him to a trailer park). He comes randomly when his family isn't around and asks for favors (today to call the greyhound bus and give him a ride there) and money. He knocks on the door and rings the doorbell over and over until someone comes. Its weird because I want to be helpful, but every time I feel a little taken advantage of. oh well!


Jamie Pearson said...

Don't die!! that would make me so sad. now you can stop complaining that no one wrote on your blog so I'm writing when I really should be doing homework but I'm not even going to do that. I'm going to finish breaking dawn because I only have a few pages left and then i'm going to sleep. Smile and be happy and thanks for the great FHE!!!

Smart Helm said...

Hello, I made a comment, just on the recipe one. But I love u. Did u get my message last night? U need to decide what u are doing soon! (I know this is hard 4 u... planning ahead and all)
I'm so glad Mom and Dad are visiting me this weekend otherwise I would be terribly jealous. I need ideas on what to feed people. I'm so used to just taking them out!

Bethanie said...

I think I am going to try your pizza thing. I do need to use up my zuccini....I'm just to lazy to do anything about it.

Unknown said...

So I'm jealous that you have a garden. My husband is kinda' obsessive compulsive about our yard, so I only have a small planter box, and pumpkins (my favorite thing to grow) won't fit in a small planter box. But in our next house we'll hopefully have a larger lot so that I can have a nice big one. But I saw pictures of your garden on Melanie's blog and it looks very beautiful and I think that it's so cool that you can enjoy and eat all the stuff that you have worked hard to grow. Maybe I'll go to the farmers market on Saturday and see what I can pick up.