Thursday, September 4, 2008

not wanting to kill myself today

I'm sitting here drinking a boba drink, from the "cooking taste right cafe" that Cathy brought me. Its my favorite flavor- Lychee. I sure love Cathy and not just because she brings me food!

My parents took Angela to school today. Its really strange to think of my baby sister going to college. Any ways they stopped by this morning to look at my garden as Angela hadn't seen it. Angela was appropriately appreciative. I think Thorp enjoyed running around too, although he peed on my catmint. Angela left her cell phone in the grass so she could come back a second time to see my yard!

I've been on a major John Denver kick lately. Its really strange as I haven't listen to many of these songs since I was a little kid on road trips with my family. I'm listening to it all the time at work. I go to Youtube and type in John Denver and then listen to it. I think it keeps me more mellow during my day. One of my favorite is "Durango Mountain Caballero," but I like all of the ones we had on the tape back in the day. I did hear a new one that I like called "its about time."

Any ways today was a good day for me at work. That doesn't usually happen so I'm in a real positive mood tonight! :)


Montana at the Helm said...


Smart Helm said...

I'm so glad u had a happy day! I hope u have a great weekend as well.
Ur gonna get great at mailing things to ur family members!

Jamie Pearson said...

hey where are your pictures???? If you need some I've got plenty of you...hehehe

Montana at the Helm said...

That first Montana helm family comment was from Jared.

My comments are...I AM SO JEALOUS OF YOUR GARDEN! Since we are still living in an apartment, another summer has past me by with no garden of my own. Someday! But I am happy for you! You seem to be a natural. And I know you are enjoying all that fresh produce.

WARNERS said...

I'm glad you started a blog - they really are so much fun. I'm trying to stay caught up with mine - who cares about the dishes in the sink and the poo in the "teeny toilet" that Mitch graciously left so I could see Fay's progress that hasn't been cleaned out yet. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Love ya! Mandy

Angela said... spelled the poor dog's name wrong, you don't have to fix it if you want.

Unknown said...

Man, my garden looks like poo. I've been so busy that it's only gotten water about once a week, and when it rains (which it has rained more in September than it did all summer!) This results in half-rotten tomatoes and tiny produce that will probably freeze before it's ripe. Oh well, it was fun to plant it and watch it grow back when i had time.

Anonymous said...

i have to tell you that one of my top three favorite songs of all time is annie's song. so our friendship just got that much deeper.