Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday Dinner

So Sunday is my day to cook. I always make a big mess, but it usually turns out tasty.

Fresh Salsa (produce from my garden) and big mess!

Thanks to Jamie for the candid shots! Making buttermilk biscutes to go with the chicken chile.

Kate and I enjoying sunday dinner. Kate was waiting until everyone sat down, I was already eating! MamaRine was napping and we didn't wait for her to start. But she did show up before we ate it all! :)

Jamie and I cutting up stuff for dinner! We are wearing the aprons that Melissa gave us.

I really enjoy my roommates. I like cooking for them as they always tell me its tasty. (ever notice its easier to like people who like you back?) I enjoy the time we have togther which is also why I like to cook on Sundays. Jamie is making Mandy's peach pie receipe for dessert. Now you are all jealouse!

On a side note, today is Bethanie and Nathan's birthdays. I'm so bad at remembering anybody's birthday except my own! So, in case I don't get you today, know that I love and care about you everyday, but am especially thinking of both of you today. I'm also glad that you were born because it would be awkward if you were hatched or something.


Smart Helm said...

You always make good stuff.. I just made skettie for the parents.. not very adventurous am I. It's fun to see all the pictures though. Miss u.

Jamie Pearson said...

Em makes the best food ever...especially the salsa! mmmmm its so tasty. I am going to starve when I move back to North Carolina...Em you want to come with me???

Bethanie said...

Your salsa looked so good that I wanted to lick my computer screen. I hope that doesn't mean I'm OCD or something.
I wish I was closer becuase I'm totaly willing for you to cook for me. But I already loweive(dragon) love you so you don't have too. HE HE!

WARNERS said...

MMMM, looks so good! - The salsa, and YOU! Love that picture of you. I miss being close by and enjoying your cooking. I just got back from ABQ and am missing my Mom's fresh garden produce!