Sunday, March 6, 2011


I was going to post earlier but couldn't find the cord for my camera. Kate said she would loan me her card reader and then I realized that I can put the card directly into my laptop. Yay! course I do still want to find that cord....

Anyways here is some little tulips and daffodils coming up in my front flower beds!

Here is the same group of tulips only a week later!

Saturday I was pretty productive so today I'm tired and have a headache.... Anyways I did some laundry, cleaned the kitchen blinds (I like blinds but cleaning them is so icky that I'm not sure they are worth it!), planted my hoop house, got 3/4ths of the stump garden cleaned off, covered the roof and another side of the chicken run with wire (ran out of staples and patience to finish the last side), cleaned the bathroom, did some dishes, straightened here and there, prepared primary lesson, and played on the computer and watched some tv.

Forgot to say what I planted cause I'm sure you're dying to know... I tried various lettuce mixes, couple kinds of spinach, some radishes, beets, and parsnips. Might also try some brocoli and cabbage in there. Sarah asked last time what the water bottles were for. Its to help regulate the temperature fluxuations, ie the water will warm up during the day and keep it from getting too warm and then give off that heat at night to keep from getting too cold. Seems to be working so far although our temps have been pretty mild.

I got a new shelving unit so I can start more seeds this year and hopefully save some money that way.... I now will buy another light fixture and some more starting boxes! I'll post a picture when they are all fixed up, but I can tell you it already looks better then the chair set up I've used in the past :)

As I mentioned, I got some tv watching in yesterday. Kate bought the complete set of "As time goes by" which is a cute british sitcom. We have watched lots of it this past week! Last night wasn't feeling too well (maybe dehydrated?) so made some tea and then decided to serve it in style. Yes its still sitting here today while I type this. Do you like cream and sugar or lemon with your herbal tea?

And of course we had biscuits with our tea.
Happy spring to you!


Smart Helm said...

You really get alot done in a weekend. Makes me feel unproductive! Good luck with the plantings.

Jamie Pearson said...

Wow you were productive I wish I could make a list like that but ummm I can't I can put on our list that we house hunted on line for endless hours to see what we like. hope you are having a good week

txparkinsons said...

i love dame judi dench!

nice set...