Sunday, March 27, 2011


My first spring flowers! I've also got some wild violets blooming :)

Today I made hummus and it turned out pretty good. I want to experiment some more with the recipe, ie less tahini maybe substitute some pine nut or almond butter, add some roasted stuff?

Of course with humas its best to have fresh pita bread so I found an easy recipe and made it. I could eat it all day, it was pretty easy and very tasty. Didn't really go with the stackups for dinner but no one was complaining!

What have I been up to? Not too much. I have stopped at the plant nursery, but only once. I stopped to get some cabbage and brocoli. When I first looked down at my hands I had pansies, new seed trays, and celery. hmmm not off to a great start. I did end up with some broccoli but they didn't have any cabages so I bought some seeds. I'll see how those turn out. Its actually not too bad since it all fit into one small box.

Even though I have been scrupulous in staying away from the nursery, I have still have managed to buy more seeds in addition to my massive Baker Creek's order.... oh well. I think I have 16 or so tomato varieties. That doesn't count the two or three varieties I always buy!

What did I get from Baker's Creek? Dragon Tongue Bush Bean (dutch origin), Henderson's bush Lima Bean (don't usually like lima's but thought maybe fresh would be alright), two chinese long beans, Atomic Red carrot, Jaune Obtuse du Doubs Carrot, Snow White Carrot, Dishcloth gourd, Canton Bok Pak Choy, Mizuna Green, Corn Salad Dutch, Red's Red Sweet Sorghum, New Zealand Spinach, Anise Hyssop, Siam Queen Thai Basil, Slo-bolt cilantro, Elephant Dill, German Chamomile, Rainblow coleus, Zebrina Hollyhock, Yellow Torch Mexican Sunflower. They threw in a packet of free Love-In-A-Mist so I'll try those too.

Here is the setup so far. Yes my seed setup has grown to a shelving unit with 3 shop lights with seeds in various stages of development. Can't believe how fast some of the cukes and tomatoes have taken off. I don't worry too much about the tomatoes as if they are leggy you just bury them deeper to help with root development. But cukes won't be happy if they're pot bound... I'll have to wait and see how it turns out.

My birthday phone is up and working. Its taken me awhile to get used to the idea of having a big 'ol phone but as my other phone was pretty beat up I decided to try it out. I already lost the instruction manuel. Fortunately those are available on line!

Man it takes a lot longer to load pictures from an actual camera vs a cell phone. I think I'll still use cell phone pictures for the less important ones!


Sarah Jarvis said...

Hey Emily,
We (Karl, that is) have been making hummus lately as well and it is so yummy. I am sure yours is better though so I'd love to try it!

helmhq said...

If we were closer and we could "share" some of your many seeds. Probably Angela and I will be coming through for school. Do you think it will be too late? Aren't garden plans fun. Wish we were as good at getting our plans accomplished as you.

Smart Helm said...

You are a crazy plant lady. But I'm glad cuz it makes u happy. Who's gonna take care of ur plants while ur in hawaii? Good job on the hummas!

Neita and Nate said...

Hey, don't hog all the fun at your place. Come to our house and get things started here too! Our list of items to start is likely shorter as well. Thanks for the blog and info so we can see what is happening with you.

Helm 9 of 10 said...

Yay! New Phone! (mines better!) :)

Anonymous said...

e nice. you are so adorablly adorable. i love your passion for the garden. it reminds me of mca. you guys would have an amazing garden talk. perhaps we should have you over for dinner...

Mommy' s talk said...

hello~ this is Sanina Yu, who was your recent convert for 10 years ago. I just want you to know I am going to Utah next week, please contact me because I am going to get to seal in SLC Temple in Utah. I wish you can come to my wedding. Here is my email . I miss you!

txparkinsons said...

..nice phone ...