Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day After the Day After Haloween

Well, while I'm sitting here waiting for "Dinner in a Pumpkin" to finish cooking, I thought I would write a bit about Haloween (I know its not Haloween- so its too late for Dinner in a pumpkin, but I had so much fun, that I wanted to spread out the joy!). By the way it has been raining pretty constanty since last night, and its a dreary Sunday, but I like those!

I think our tree has just about lost all of its leaves now, and they are wet so it was good that we had Noah come over to jump in them Friday. I put Max in some leaves, and he seemed to like it.

We also picked our last pumpkin from the garden. i was hoping it would ripen some more, but its still cool, even if its mostly green. Its the biggest of the 4. After Sarah, Noah, and Max left for naps and other important pre-Haloween activites, Jamie and I carved our pumpkins (yes they are from my garden) first is her's then mine, plus an additional close up of mine because it is so cool!

We, well at least I, had fun decorating our house. I got a few things on sale including a pumpkin latern, tea light holder ghosts, hanging ghosts for our tree, a skeleton for our door (thinking of Gage), pumpkin bowls, gourds, and orange mini lights. Jamie got the spider web stuff and put it on our porch with the lights, and inside with some spiders. Very festive! I'm only sad that we didn't do it earlier so we could enjoy it for longer.

I don't mind that only two people came to our party, more food for us!!!! Actually as you may know, I'm not that social and so I was very comfortable with a small party. I'm glad Cathy came afterwards and she was a really good sport about bobbing for apples and eating left overs. I was careful this time to not over prepare too much food, but there is toooonnnnnssss of candy left at our house. And its mostly good candy like Snikers, Butterfingers, Almond Joy, Kitcats, whoppers, M&M's which means I want to eat it all! Pictures of me bobbing for apples, plus me and my roommates in our awesome costumes, us with our pumpkins, and me and Kate cheering for Eric as he bobbed for apples:

This party was not nearly so stressfull, one because I didn't try to mamke as much food, and two (and most importantly) Jamie baked all the cookies! We had sugar cookies, spider/bog monster cookes, and blood-eye cookes (actually cherry chocolate drop cookies). I made pumpkin 7-layer dip, and artichoke-spinach dip. I also tried to make a smokey Gouda dip that didn't work (still don't understand how it sperated like that....yuck!) but we didn't miss it. Our plan was to have a fire and roast hotdogs, and smores but as not too many people came we decided it wasn't needed. Too bad because
Cathy had brought over a lot of wood. I put the hotdog stuff in the freezer so we will have to do a roast later before it gets too cold. I also made Rootbeer and here is a picture of the fun process, along with our cute table the day after.

After our two guests left, and before Cathy stopped by, I went outside, and discovered how fun it is to run around in a cape. No wonder super hero's have them!!!!! It was suprisingly warm even in the light drisle of rain. I tried to catch a lucky leaf, but no luck that night. Thanks Jamie for the fun pictures, and all your help! You are my biggest fan!!!! oops reverse that.

For more pictures and commentary on Haloween see Jamie's blog (we did use mostly the same pictures so far warning!):


Bethanie said...

You are getting good at taking pictures. I love your red cape. You and andrew love to run around in them! I'm glad that you had a good time. I wish that I could have been there, but I would have stayed too long and eaten toooooooo (meaning a lot) much candy!!!

helmhq said...

Loved your pic's. I made them really big so I could really see them!
Wish I could have come to the party--it sounds lots more fun than ours!

Smart Helm said...

That is AWESOME... I totally would have come to ur party.
I'm running out of friends.. that's why I don't throw parties!
Ur pumpkin is great.

Sarah Jarvis said...

hi em,
thanks for always commenting on my blog, i love it (once i realize someone did leave a comment, which usually takes a while). I agree, lets get together more. i miss hanging out with you guys. and noah (despite of what he says) likes you guys lots and always has fun since youa re so creative with kids!

txparkinsons said...

HI! so what were you for halloween? the green hat threw me off ... and i LOVE capes! lots of love from texas!

Jamie Pearson said...

I decided that i don't like my outfit for Halloween.. Note to self wont be that next year. Good thing I saw the picture of stickman because I'm totally going to do that. I LOVE your food!! If i could I would hire you to be my cook for the rest of my life. Then you could come to North Carolina with me and then either Japan or Washington.