Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wonderful MOM

So, I just want to let everyone know that my mom got a blogger identity so she can leave comments. That means she loves me! I think Melanie and I have been pushing it the hardest, but she did it none-the-less. Hopefully it wasn't a painful experience for her. Maybe she will even..... blog (gasp!) as she has one foot in the door!

I do have to admit that when I saw that she had left a comment on Angela's blog I was a little jealous. Kicks back to the old middle sibling, sibling rivalry thingy (figures she would leave one on Angela's... youngests get everything), but once I checked my last post and saw her comment, I was ok :) Funny how that reaction came on so fast, little suprising as I thought now that I was all grown up things like that wouldn't bug me. Hmmmm this post turned into all about me again, funny how that happens.

I taught Sunday School lesson on 3Ne 16, 20-21 and (tried to) focuse on gathering and building/establishing Zion in our hearts, homes, etc. Seems to me that sibling rivalry=pride, which is NOT good. So, I'll have to continue to work on that!

Speaking of teaching Sunday school, that is definately one of the reasons I'm looking forward to "retiring" from the singles ward. Ward change is about the only way to get off from that calling. Its good for me, and I enjoy studying up on the lessons, but I get so dang nervous and scattered and flustered in front of peoples. Just ask my roommates how red my neck turned this last time!

Another thing about leaving the singles ward is I will be in a new temple district so I won't be serving there anymore after the Christmas break. This is both a relief and a sadness. It means I will have my Saturdays free again, and can probably travel easier on the weekends, but I will miss the strength and blessing its been in my life. Also, I will miss the wonderful sisters I work with who amaze me with their strength, literally! I'm quite a bit younger then most of my friends there, but they are in much better shape then me! I'm dead on my feet after a 5 hr shift and they do it several times a week and don't always take a dinner break. WOW! If I don't get a dinner break its hard for me to feel any spirit other then irritation! Also, since I've been there for almost 3 years now, I've gotten to do the Mandarin Chinese session on the first Saturday of every month (5:00pm session). That always makes my day! This last time I was really able to help out, all in Mandarin! My daily chinese speaking is pretty non-exsistant now, but I can do the temple and that is way cool!

This post is dedicated to my wonderful dad. He calls me every first Sunday of the month, even if I don't ever answer my phone. He helped mom set up the blogger comment thingy, and he is the greatest dad I have ever had!! Love ya dad!


helmhq said...

OK Dad got me out of bed to read you blog so I could comment before anyone else! Now you've got to know I love you. I also want you to know I actually wrote on yours before I did Angela's!!

Bethanie said...

we do have very nice parents. Oh look! did I use nice to describe our parents. the same nice as is your middle name? I think I did. You know what that means. I love you!
I've been thinking of you and just wanted you to know that I love you. There, I said it twice and one more time will make it three. Isn't that a special number? I love you.

Jared said...

all mushy... yuck!

Smart Helm said...

I'm glad ur going to a Family ward. They all will LOVE u. Just like I do. And I think you do just fine in ur lessons. Its all those crazy singles that are hard to get up in front of. In the new ward they'll get u up in front of adults!

Bethanie said...

Whatever Jared you like muchy. Potatoes, pies ect.

Montana at the Helm said...

I'm excited too that your mom was getting into the blog mode. It was fun to see her comment on our blog.

Angela said...

Thanks a lot guys! Thats ok, I don't mind being the youngest! Maybe someone will call me just for fun! (subtle hint)

Gatola! Sounds like a soda or something!

txparkinsons said...

sibling rivalry is because you are all jealous of me! (cuz i live in texas!)

Jamie Pearson said...

Wow thats amazing i think everyone of your siblings except Aaron wrote on your blog that is so awesome. By the way you didn't turn as red this past Sunday so you must be getting better. I bet when you go to your new ward you will get the same calling hehehe. And since you wont be working at the temple and you said it would be easier for you to travel does that mean you will come visit me in North Carolina....I sure hope so. Love ya

WARNERS said...

I missed why you are changing wards? Hmmm... maybe I'll have to call you, wouldn't that be fun - for me anyway! You're family is pretty amazing - look at all those comments. The Helms are the bloggiest family I've ever seen!