Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Late Thoughts

I have to get up early tomorrow. Thats one of my least favorite things in the whole world. Because of that, I find myself putting off going to bed which really doesn't make sense. It just makes the inevitable harder, but here I am still up and wanting to put off going to bed because it means I'm going to have to get up early.

Anyways, I was leaving a long comment on Melanie's blog when I thought to myself, "self, this is turning into a blog entry, so you should just write it down." So here it goes.

I've been reading on some of the blogs I follow that they are going private. Some are blogs of people that I grew up with and now live far far away and have lives very different from mine (ie married with kids). Many of them were good friends of my little sister who lets face it is way cooler then me and so had a lot more friends then me (thats why her middle name is "favorite") or siblings of people I do know etc.

I totally understand the wanting to go private. Who knows what wierdos out there right now are reading this. But frankly, if someone is going to stalk/murderate me, its most likely someone that I know (ie maybe someone who hates me because I took away their kid or something, or someone who thinks they love me because we had a conversation at institute once :) Its true that I don't link to others' blogs on my blog just in case. But I still must not understand all the reasons for people going private......

At any rate, it makes me sad when I'm not able to secretly follow someone's blog anymore. I guess its because then I don't feel obligated to leave comments if I don't feel like it. So maybe its because at the heart of it all, I'm really lazy! That is probably true, but I'm sad also because some blogs I only check on occasion or just stumble across briefly before they go private, I'd feel weird inviting myself onto someone's blog I only sort of know.

Well thats my ramble for now. I've been getting these headaches because I think my contact perscription needs to be upped, but I'm too busy right now to schedule it. Its only gotten bad this last week or so, but I'm having a tough time reading road signs, and I realized I'm squinting at the computer screen (hence the headaches at work?). I think I will try a new pair tomorrow just in case I got a bad one this last time.


Chelsea said...

I don't like it when people's blogs go private, because then they don't show up as recently updated on my blog list/ RSS feed or whatever. So I don't really follow those blogs as well.

Smart Helm said...

I don't like it either, but I understand how they might feel the need. I think if they really want to be careful, they can use the example of those Mormon Mommy Blogs... they use other names 4 their kids and Husband... and you never give ur address or anything... But... like I said I understand their feelings. I guess their self esteem is just not up there... not knowing alot of other people are reading the blog.

Anyway... I like ur blog and I'm way glad u updated it!

Bethanie said...

I understand why people go private, but you also have a lot of control who can see your blog. I made it so that my blog does not show up on any search engines. The only way someone can get onto or see my blog is if they know the address.
The county soccer leage has a page of coaches that have my name address and phone number. I found it after I googled myself. Intersting huh?
I just had to type wholy!

WARNERS said...

Okay, Okay, so my blog is private! But you are IN! I actually have thought about unprivatizing it because there seems to be a decrease in comments (sniff sniff). And of course isn't that the point of the blog?? But, is it that difficult to look at my blog even thought it is private? I have had some wierd comments - one with a nasty link. My friend told me that most likely that person is not even looking at my blog - they can mass send comments to peoples blogs. So, do you think it is worth changing?

helmhq said...

You sound like Dad. He has a hard time going to bed when he has to get up early too!!