Friday, April 8, 2011

old post of random fall 2010 pictures

I guess I forgot to schedule this post cause I just found it.... Actually I found several old posts so those might be coming the rest of the week. Even though the frost kills things its actually kind of pretty. I took several pictures but the rest got lost. I was proud of the huge dhalias so I kept trying to get a good picture and it didn't work.

So I gave up.

I bought this new kitchen gadget. Me buying a kitchen gadet? I know shocker.

I am actually going to need it cause for some reason my dehydrator stopped working and I still have bags of apples to process. Yummy applesauce. But sad that I can't keep making dried apples. [edit- I got the dehydrator working again]

(thats mama's hand demonstrating the process) We had fresh applesauce with our halloween dinner.


Smart Helm said...

those are lovely flowers... I bet they are even bigger this year. I remember u telling me about the applesauser... just means I don't have to buy one myself ;-)

helmhq said...

Love my squeezo too! What fun dinner plate dahlias. Glad you found this

txparkinsons said...
