Sunday, March 8, 2009

gardening and basketball

Bulbs coming up, HAPPY DAY!!!

Lots of seeds to buy and think of planting (6 types of lettuce)

Its definately getting closer to garden then when I got my first seed catalog. I've been able to dig in the dirt a little, plant some bulbs i should've put in the ground the last time the snow cleared off, get some of the garden cleaned off (I chop the plants into smaller pieces so they can compost quicker when I turn the dirt over). The problem is I lost my better pair of clippers, and I'm getting not fun blisters (last time I saw them Jamie was using them). Yesterday I also sliced my thumb and I'm not sure how. I figure since I was working in the herb garden it shouldn't get infected.... also blood is good for the soil, right?

1. old corn patch that Jamie helped cut down (Jamie I want my clippers back!!!)

2. my leaf bags that are supposably composting, but are a bit too dried out to be doing that well (its ok because I can use it as mulch)

3. the new section of garden that I'm starting.

I had a lot of inside chores on my to do list yesterday. Yep still have the list today. I did get the bathroom done, and the tile floor moped which really needed it. I also wiped down the kitchen cabnets while waiting for Heroes episodes to load. Yep thats why I didn't get as much done as I wanted to. I did get the drapes fixed, somewhat, last week and I'm feeling better about that project. Yesterday I attempted to put on some new weather stripping around the back door in the living room. Worked great until I attempted to close the doors. Its a french door type and some how they wouldn't fit together anymore. What was supposed to be a quick painless process ended up very frustrating. I did manage to wedge them together eventually but if someone else opens them I doubt they will get closed until I do it. So much for trying to save on energy!

The last 3 days have been fun, but sad too. I attended the UVU women's bball tournament, which they won! The whole championship! The first two games were nailbiters, the last one not so much, but it was fun, and much less stressful for Cathy who didn't even have to stomp her foot or politely disagree with the refs too much. I had a picture that I took from my cell phone but as you can tell from the other pictures, it doesn't do a good job so I took this from their web page.
Here is her happy face waving to everyone, and talking to her cheering section (family) afterwards. Lastly her cutting down the net after all the girls took a turn.

I've been watching the team solid for about 5 years with some attendance for the year (or 2) before that. The sad part is I've watched 4 of this years 5 seniors from their freshman start and it will be strange to not see them playing next year. Cathy, Chris, and Malinda did such an awesome job with these awesome girls! Even though they have a silly fight song, I sure enjoy going to these games and watching them win (which they usually do, especially at home). I'm the only cherry chub attending now, but i always have a lot of memories being there. Kate and Mama have joined me a few times and its lots of fun to have someone to sit next to (Mama is a real good cheerer, like Melanie :) .... this means loud.

Kate and I at a way crowded game.... oh maybe not.

I'm going to make stew for dinner to go with some bread from the bread maker. Although its a beautiful day outside, its cold in our house. Kate made some REALLY good cookies. She made Bananna cookies, by following a pumpkin cookie recipe and using bananna instead and cut out all but the cinnamon for the spices. If you got banannas around, but not wanting to make bananna bread, this is an extreemly good alternative. YUMMMMM

Anyways, I do admit I stopped by the greenhouse on friday. Oh boy did that get me excited! It smelled so good, the flowers were bright and pretty I wanted to buy all of them... but I refrained. I took pictures instead and bought one primrose for $0.99-smells so good!
I also bought another pea packet and some seed starter stuff.

l0ok at these pretty hanging plants, see the purply one in the back, mine sure never got that big. The red one is called a lipstick plant.... funny name. The purple one is a violet plant like I have, it was a good 2 foot round globe of flowers. Soooo pretty, too bad that my phone camera isn't very good.


JACK-A-JAME? said...

Wish you could have some of our weather. If you lived here, you would have already planted everything. I have the seeds, the soil, the planter boxes arrived in the mail a couple weeks ago - I just need some time. Okay, I just need to make time. We're going to Albq. this week (yippeeee!) but as soon as I get back, I'm going to plant, plant, plant! I'm really excited.

I wish I could have gone to a game with you - looks like fun.

Unknown said...

where do you go to the greenhouse? I want to buy some pansies and other cold loving flowers to go with my daffodils that are about to bloom.

Montana at the Helm said...

What a great loyal fan and friend you are!
Reading all your things about gardening is getting me excited. I am going to have fun growing a garden in pots!

helmhq said...

How fun to have your team win!. Angela and I are getting excited about gardening too. We disciplined ourselves to only buy a 6 pack of stocks that were not in bloom, so we could enjoy the smell as they open. they do smell great.
right now two pots of your violets are waiting for spring, but they looked like that this fall. Unfortunately it's snowing outside right now!

Smart Helm said...

Ya! You posted!

Sounds like an eventful weekend. GO CATHY!

I still have my list of things I was planning on getting done. Some how I got a book read, 2 movies watched and the front windows washed.

Good luck with the garden.

Neita and Nate said...

My favorite and gardening! I too am ready for spring and plants and sun!

Jamie Pearson said...

Just because you can't put your stuff away means I lost your clippers??? I'm almost positive i put them back where they belong. You must have used them after me, remember how I had to go in early because of my hands. Well good luck finding them. I'm going to do some yard work too I just have to go buy some things first to start. We are lacking gardening tools in our house. I still wish you would come help me plant and give me good ideas but alas i will have to do it by myself.

Bethanie said...

I hope that your dinner was yummy. I wish that spring was here in WI but I think that it will be soon! I can't wait to see you in Vegas!

txparkinsons said...

i don't think i'll even get a garden this year ... i can't afford the prep. it is so hard to get the ground in texas ready to grow things ... and we don't have any dirt - since when do you buy dirt???? it's just wrong. so, jealous - much!

Smart Helm said...

Jenny, can't u just use the dirt that came out from ur swimming pool?


Anonymous said...

can we hire you to come do our food and flower gardens this year? it doesn't excite me at all. ps. i read your blog and realize i know nothing about you. i talk too much. you should get into the jazz now that uvu bball is over.

Emily Nice said...

Hey Sarah, the greenhouse I go to is Cook's which is on the "wrong" side 16th North in Orem off of I-15 (across the street from that new Harley store).

Bethie- don't worry, it snowed the next day but its melted now so I can play in the dirt more.

Jenny, just find someone with horses and offer to take some... uh hmm waiste products.... off their hands. Then mulch like crazy with grass, leaves, straw/hay, wood chips, etc. and eventually you can make your own dirt at a relatively affordable price. I'd help out but I'm busy locating horses here. :)

Allison- I'm not that exciting thats why I don't say much about my life...