Friday, February 13, 2009

blog crazy

Been awhile since I've posted, I've gotten really caught up in some amazing foster and adoption blogs. Kate made fun of me, but you all know what a reader I am, so is it that suprising that I'm caught up in something that I read?

I guess the other reason is that while I'm at work or doing other things I think, "oh, I should blog about that." But by the time I get to my computer I've forgotten the briliant posts.

So, the new news here is that we got a new roommate Wednesday. She seems really nice so far, I do have a few concerns but I'm sure everything will be fine.

I just went to costco for some contact solution and came back with a cart full. Then I opened the contact solution and its not the right kind. So I should go back and get some, but I'm tired and it closes in a few minutes so I'll wear my glasses tomorrow until I get some.

I just realized that Monday is a holliday. WHOOO HOOO. Hopefully I'll get some stuff around the house, but there is a really good chance I'll just read some more of these facinating blogs that give me another perspective on the work I do, and perhaps some goals and dreams for my life too.

Happy Valentines Day to all you friends and family out there! Melanie was super sweet and got me some flowers. Sure wish I was thoughtful like that!


Smart Helm said...

Hey Emily. I am sweet huh? :-)

Good luck on getting things done. I'm jealous of ur holiday!

WARNERS said...

I'm glad you're finding some inspiration and ideas from the blogs. Enjoy your long weekend. We are going to be coming your way in a few weeks and we want to see you! I'll let you know when I know more details.

Jamie Pearson said...

Funny you getting caught up in reading..never. Well love ya and hope you had a great valentines day.

Bethanie said...

Happy Valentines Day Emily! Have a great monday.
I just wish I lived closer so we could do something together. Even if it is just looking at the flower mag. I get in the mail. It's alway fun to dream big with others.

helmhq said...

Hope your Valentines Day was good and the long weekend wonderful. Wish we could help you celebrate. This year I didn't get out anything to anyone for Valentines Day and am feeling really guilty. It was all I could do to get something to my little primary kids. We actually only had our valentines dinner Sunday.

Montana at the Helm said...

Hope you enjoyed your long weekend! Jared and I got a Cosco card! So I know the problem with going in for one thing and coming out with many things!

Good luck with your goals!

Unknown said...

Don't you just love holiday weekends!? I hope you were able to get a lot done around your house, or read a lot, whichever you needed more.
Dave and I played all day Saturday, and worked on cleaning stuff all day on Monday.
ps: you're in Nate and Jodee's ward! how exciting :)

txparkinsons said...

happy valentine's day!

i love to read ...

WV - ensests= a sad comment on insect life