Tuesday, October 27, 2009

eye yi yi

so. i'm not getting my eyes lasered in two days. I got one lazerd today but still have my glasses on. boo.

Last Saturday had my pre-op for the lasik and they found a hole in my right retina. For those of you who don't know thats not a great thing. Then the doctor found fluid under the hole. This is worse. So they made an appointment for me with a retina specialist because changing the presure (which lasik does) could cause the fluid to increase thus detaching the retina.. That is very bad.

Side note on the weather to ease any tension:
It was snowing today, that was nice, but not fun to drive up to SLC. I brought in what was left in the garden last night. It is hard to find tomatoes, etc. in the dark. I pulled out the tomatoes, brought them to the porch, realized it was still going to take forever so enlisted helpful roommates. Then I would walk back to the garden and step on something that would pop and say, "darn!" cause I squished a tomato or tomatillo. So that was actually kind of fun.

Hope that was a nice break, back to the story at hand:
So the retina guy was very fast at looking at my eyes so I wasn't worried and thought everything was fine. Then he told me that I had latice degeneration or something like that. 4 patches of it in the right eye with one big hole with fluid, and another smaller hole with fluid. and a couple patches in the left eye but no holes... yet. So with the holes and fluid the doctor indicated I have a 1 in 10 chance of retinal detachment. ummm thats not good.

apparently for us blinder people our retinas can stretch out and get really thin and then go away somewhere leaving just the support structure (ie veins, etc) and so it looks like just a latice. Hence the latice degeneration thingy.

So he said they would lazer around the fluid stuff to glue the retina back down, basically cauterizing it so fluid can't spread. then he talked about the anethesia required. Seemed like a good idea to me. didn't expect that to happen today though...

Few minutes later I signed a form moved into another room. They deadened the right eye, and then stuck a needle in it. Then I fainted. oops

-there goes my strong tough image.

Then he lazered my eye. That didn't feel good either even though I couldn't feel much, and took quite a while too which I didn't expect since lasik would take less then a minute for each eye. He kept telling his assistant to up the lazer. That made me worried too. I think I was still a bit out of it from fainting which actually made it go better since I was used to it while he was doing it.

then I couldn't see and thought my eye was closed but it wasn't. Just over loaded from the green lazer. the first thing that came back was purple which was odd but pretty. I felt shaky but no longer sick, and my limbs went where i told them to which is always helpful for walking out of an office.

Then i paid my co pay ($35 for a specialist) they gave me a piece of dark plastic to put behind my glasses to shield my dialaited eyes and a cold icepack for my eye and suggested i take some ibprofin.

I got out to my car and called mom because thats what you do when you have unexpected eye surgery stuff.

Then I drove back to work to take care of some stuff then I started feeling icky and my eye was hurting so I came home. My eye feels stiff and sore. Its red where the needle went in. It feels odd deep in there, not really hurting just odd. Guess thats either the retina or where he missed and got my brain.

Anyways i go back in 3 weeks to see how I'm healed and if everything is fine could do lasik. But, i'm a bit worried now that i would faint again. I guess they give you a valium which i could've used today. Also i'm stuck in my glasses for at least 3 more weeks if I want to do lasik. I guess i should've asked if i can even where contacts while i heal because it would be a moot point.

So I strongly encourage everyone to get their eyes checked out regularly. This is something I will have to watch for the rest of my life. I wonder if I had gotten lasik like a couple of years ago when I first started thinking about it if my retinas wouldn't have degenerated like they did? What if I had gone to my regular eye doctor for a check up instead of the lasik proceedure would they have done anything? probably. but still even though my eye is sore and I am still stuck in annoying glasses its good that the problem is fixed for now with no loss in vision that I can tell.

Well I'm tired even with some napping and my eyes hurt so goodnight everyone!


Jamie Pearson said...

Well i'm glad you didn't go blind. Did you know you can get retina transplants? I just heard that somewhere and I can't think where. I hope you feel better and I think you should take a picture of your cool looking eye with the red spot in it. OH and way to go fainting =) I'm sure they get that a lot.

txparkinsons said...

holy cow! now i'm sure i'm doing the right thing by going to the eye dr. pretty regularly... wow. cautionary tale - eh!

still, I LOVES YA!

Montana at the Helm said...

Wow, that made me feel queezy. A shot in the eye is definitely the kind of thing that people would faint over, YUK! Hope your eye feels better soon!

Sarah Jarvis said...

Ouch. That does not sound like fun. Definitely worse than the dentist. I am glad they found it now though and it did not get worse.
I think you are pretty tough even with fainting. I would like to faint once just to see what it is like. Can you tell me?

Hey, we would like to come play in your leaves. Mainly Noah, that is. He remembers that cool tunnel you made and tried to crawl through it. That was pretty funny and impressive. Still have some leaves around? Unfortunately we don't have any. But not like there are not any others around. Let us know. The boys could wear their costumes again. Maybe we should invite Jamie as well? :-)

Melissa Bunn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa Bunn said...

Sorry about the deleted post. I misspelled a word and was embarrassed. I thought a deleted post would just go away…Guess I was wrong. Here is what I originally said.

Wow, that's quite the experience. I hope you heal quickly and can still get lasik done! I wouldn't have been as brave as you. Lasik scares me!

Bethanie said...

Just reading your post made me feel sick! Ahh! I had to turn my head away before I could read on. Thanks for the weather break. Is this something that they can pick up at your regular eye check up or do I need to mention it? I think you are so brave. I wish I was there to make you some carrot and ginger soup. (Seems like the right soup for someone after eye surgery)

Smart Helm said...

Oh my goodness. I've been worried about you but didn't know u had ur appointment already. All that stuff! It sounds like they didn't do a good job of telling u what was going on. I woulda fainted too.. from the stress! I agree with Bethanie. Wish I was there.

wilson4 said...

Wow! What an ordeal. That makes me want to get my eyes checked out. Hope all is going well for you and your eyes.