Sunday, November 22, 2009

last 3 weeks or so

I'm sure many great and wonderful things or cute, funny things that I can be witty about have happened, but right now can't think of any so this will have to do.

Angela had a performance in SLC with her orchestra and so Melanie came up from Vegas and we had a fun short visit. Oh and we watched Angela, well not really her so much since it was difficult to see her (thats what happens when you are really short) so more like listened to her. It was a good performance. I liked it and Melanie and I discussed it on the way back. I would give a link to Melanie's blog but as she posted a short video that was not for public viewing I'm not going to. (for those of you who already did, the finger licking and neighing is from when Megan and Carly were little and making a documentary of sorts while visiting grandma (and Me, and some other aunts and uncles)).

This guy kept getting in the way, Angela is right behind him.

Poor Melanie wasn't feeling real well but I was still happy to have her here. I cleaned the bathroom and my room all up for her :) The funny thing was I got a roatisary chicken from costco and Melanie was amazed at how tasty it is. It is mighty tasty!

Speaking of other loves from costoc....

This is my new lover. Always available, always warm. There have been some funny quotes too since it came to our home, mostly along the lines of my lover not being being completely monagamous.

I am finally rescheduled for lasic. Its expensive but I think I'm ready to go ahead because I am SOOOOO tired of my glasses! I also got the bill for having that eye surgery. wow.

Basketball season has started! I love watching my friend Cathy. When they win we go out for icecream/frozen yogurt. This year I'm sitting all by myself but its ok cause I text Jamie (who listens on line when she can) when Cathy stomps her foot. this only happens when things don't go her way so don't get the wrong idea!

I grilled up the tomatillas and hot peppers from my garden, canned tomatoes, apple sauce, and tomatillos, and made a sort of hot sauce with the peppers. I didn't get many cans from all of this but I will enjoy what i've got. Now its time to start planning and dreaming for next year.

I should make another post, but because I'm lazy here are some halloween pics.

orange lights and lots of spider webs, jack-o lantern in front plus a caldren with candles and dry ice.

I forgot to take a picture of my trunk or treat. I put spider webs, glow in the dark decals (spiders and jack o lanterns) on my car, had my bubbling caldron set up and a chair for me. I also attempted to have a black light but as it was still light out for the trunk or treat that was a failure. I went as a witch and here is my costume (again forgot to take a picture). I was very eclectic.

this is all the candy we had left after trunk or treat. its a cooler completely full! No worries its almost all gone now. Aparently around here the kids just go around the cars once (maybe twice for a few kids) and then head off to other fun activities. So I had way over calculated the amount needed! I also had passed out spider rings and glow sticks which were way popular. So I'll have to play better next time...

And lastly a picture of a giant zuchini just cause. I was thinking of saving this one to get seeds off of because this plan stayed healthy while the others didn't fair so well, but it got a little frosted after this picture and disintigrated.


Smart Helm said...

I had lots of fun at ur house too! I was going to blog about the chicken and chicken soup but I don't know that my post would be funny to many people. I really like ur pictures of Cathy. It shore was fun to go to a game with u and I'm sorry we couldn't stay for the whole thing.

Oh yes, and way to can!
PS. The video is funny. That's y I put it up, not to embaress u. Shore Dew Luv ya~

Kevin said...

I just tried one of those Costco chickens, and I completely agree! Plus they last a couple meals and then make soup, so the five dollars goes pretty far! I made a whole ton of chicken broth and then froze it. Kevin made some rude comments, and so I labeled them all "Chicken broth, not pee" just to be clear.

Kevin said...

And that was from me, not Kevin.

Jamie Pearson said...

Hahaha that video on Melanie's blog was sooo funny I even showed it to Jesse. Man it makes me miss you. It looks like you have been super busy but I am grateful to talk to you a lot lot more now that its basketball season. I do however miss our frozen yogurt nights. by the way i'm starting to get FAT!

Montana at the Helm said...

It's seems that we all forgot to take pictures of our trunks this halloween.

You are already thinking about planning next years garden??? Wow, you sure are ambitious.

Good luck with the surgery. It will be so nice when it is finally all done! and no glasses!!!!!

Sarah Jarvis said...

Way to support Cathy! We should come out for a game or two. Only as long as the Wolverine shows up though! :-)
Thanks for keeping us updated and I hope the surgery goes well.

txparkinsons said...

yer trunk-r-treat isn't like ours where the kids visit the cars until the candy is gone -- that's why i bring silly string!

Melissa Bunn said...

I'm always impressed with how much you get done. Canning, basketball, taking care of sick sisters, planning next year's garden, Concert....Way to go! Good luck with the lasik. I'm glad it's still a possibility!

Bethanie said...

When ever we go to Costco the kids ask (everytime) what are those c chickens doing. I think I will need to buy one just so they know. I wan't to have my eyes done but after reading your story I don't think I could handle it. It scares me when ever they puff that air. and I KNOW that I will faint.

helmhq said...

A Big thanks for all you do for your sisters. We would love to have been there too.