Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spring is here, summer around the corner

This was from 2 weeks ago, but I didn't notice that it hadn't posted....Its a bit ironic because it was snowing again yesterday (Wed) and may continue to do that off and on through the weekend.

Wow the weather has been awesome lately. So beautiful! The spring flowers are so pretty. I wish there was a way to capture the light on the tulips. They positively glow! The peas are popping up, and the letuce is growing! I know too many exclamation marks. Oh well.

(edited to add you should see how much bigger they are now less the two weeks later)

I forgot to post about the snow drops who first came up, so here is a picture:

Early last week I got the onions planted (Sure don't look like very many after I planted but theres probably over a 100 planted). And moved my bigger sprouts outside to harden off. I even planted some squashes.
Then it snowed. I think that was fine but the next night was a pretty hard frost. My homemade walls of water (ziplock bags full of water placed around a hot cap) worked pretty well. It was the warmer night after that that that wasn't soo helpful since I put the minigreenhouses on in the dark and got some of the leaves too close to the walls of the hot caps. But everything has survived and is growing!

It got cold again this week, and so I upgraded my greenhouses. Milk/soda jugs with trashbags of watersurrounding them completely. Works Great!

Saturday (almost 2 weeks ago) was busy and got lots done. Got lots of shopping done. Kate started spring cleaning the garage and it looks so much better and organized. I worked on the back porch, And then my roomies and I worked out in the yard! We dug up a new bed for "bubba." It is much faster with 3 people. For those who don't know. Bubba is what Mama is calling her pumpkin. She is attempting a giant pumpkin. I hope it all works well.

Our neighbors asked who we burryed there as it looks like a grave :)

Prior to digging we had to push "goldie" out of the way. I like pushing cars that are small. In the past when I've pushed on a car it was the van.

Got two more beds turned over and ready for planting. That just leaves the last 3. I feel things are much more manageable this year in the garden, even if I keep forgetting to bury the soaker hoses before I plant things. I also filled in some of the strawberry bed, but still need to clean it off. The tree garden is cleaned up and ready for spring plantings, and Mamma has cleaned out the front beds nicely.

This week (umm last week), I hope to replant some things that aren't coming up and protect them better against the quail and cats, get started on the pole bean bed (will be along the wall near bubba's area), get the dewberries tied up (and any raspberries that need it), and trim and tidy up the herb garden. This is all wishful thinking as this will be a crazy busy week. But I will be able to work on it on Saturday, along with weeding/fertalizing/mulching the berries and trees, getting the last beds turned over, working on the front side garden, and, and, and.

But it actually all seems doable, just maybe not all at once.
I wish my pictures turned out better, because this little bright pink hyacinth is beatiful under the tree garden.


Smart Helm said...

U are so ambitious in ur gardening and u have the skills to go with it! So impressed!

Kevin said...

Wow, what a big onion!!!

Jamie Pearson said...

Wow you are going to have a ton of onions. You do so much work on your garden I hope the weather starts working better for you. Oh and you had your eyes relazered? How come you didn't tell me that on the phone yesterday???

Montana at the Helm said...

All the flowers are so beautiful! Looks like your hard work is being enjoyed.

helmhq said...

Everything looks so pretty. I wish I had even a quarter of what you've accomplished done in our yard. Our compost and seeds are still waiting. There are so many beds not cleaned out, and I haven't even finished my scale drawing so I can get a real yard plan. I do have all the measurements close to the house, but not on paper yet.

Melissa Bunn said...

I love spring! I'm always impressed with your gardening skills and know-how. I love your pictures of your spring flowers.