Tuesday, April 6, 2010

new years resolutions

How are yours coming along? I figure if I report, I'll be more inclined to keep working on them. I have done good with no sooooda. I've only relapsed 3 times.

I've also done well with not eating out. I do occasionally eat out, but try to make it planned, and only occasionallly. I've actually gone weeks without eating out! This has helped with my no soda goal. It has also helped with my budgeting goal.

I am doing well keeping track of where my money goes. Being aware has reduced my spending, but I don't think I'm actually budgeting yet. The real test comes as the spring turns to summer and the plant options increase!

Sparkling sink has waned a bit. Still leaving no dishes, but it sometimes goes a couple of days between shinings. I'm trying to get back to everyday, since the rest of the house isn't as clean either.

The rest of my goals aren't going so well, so I'll try to re-commit, or actually commit and get going on them... then again maybe just concentrating on those few goals is enough for now?


Sarah Jarvis said...

Sounds like a lot of goals to me and I am proud you are doing so well. Way to go!

Jamie Pearson said...

Yeah for you!!! I'm so proud of you for not going out to eat I know how much you enjoyed that but I'm so happy that you are eating healthier and no more soda. You are amazing. I want to hang out with you can we please get together.

Smart Helm said...

Goals are hard to keep. Way to keep it going! If we were closer u would be a good influence on me :-)

helmhq said...

I figure any improvement is great and you are keeping several goal. So proud of you!