Thursday, August 23, 2012

Petunia is a boy

Remeber the cute, partly fuzzy duckies? Here area couple of videos for their first time in their "pond"

Well they are no longer cute a fuzzy, but are fully grown, fully feathered (ducks go through a teenage molt), and one of these things is not like the other. Petunia is a boy!!!

I guess thats always a  risk with baby poultry. The hatchery said they are 90% acurate with ducklings so I figured I was safe. Now my backyard is no longer G rated with all the nature going on.  Crisanthamum and Hollyhock encourage this behavior, the little hussies.  No eggs yet either which is weird.

Hey, Where is our corn?

we really love corn!

Now I have to decide what to do. Petunia is one of my favorite ducks but do I really want to feed an animal all year that won't provide eggs? Next year one of my chicken hens might go broody (probably Tika Masala due to her breed), and I could put her on some duck eggs to see if they would hatch. If I get 5-6 ducklings to hatch I could sell them for about $5 each (they are a desirable breed) and that would cover feed costs.... What do you guys think?

petunia is the one looking at the camera.


Montana at the Helm said...

Petunia I guess should now be Pete! hehe That's funny. They sure love that water.

Smart Helm said...

Are you really really sure he's a boy? I don't think ur gonna be able to get rid of him (I know I wouldn't) so you might as well try to recoup on ur losses.
Really Really Sure? :(

txparkinsons said...

idk. is duck soup tasty? ;)

i would think that having a boy around means fertilized eggs and thats not a good thing?

wow. ur such the farmer!

helmhq said...

Maybe someone would trade a female for a male if they want to have baby ducks. Guess you will have to make some decisions. They are cute!

harada57 said...
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