Monday, April 16, 2012

3 cups of tea

3 cups of tea is not only a good book (I liked the sequel too) but a good idea when feeling ill. I went to bed most of the day yesterday but thought I was feeling better tonight. Oh well.

Maybe I've read too many english novels of late, but seems that a cup of tea is in order pretty much all the time- for all emotional states, varied environments, and physical ills. I wanted ginger for my tummy, chamomile for achy body, and peppermint for headache/germ fighting. Rather then mix them up -which would taste funny and the ginger/peppermint would overcome the more subtle chamomile-I got out 3 smaller cups and can enjoy each tea on its own.

Now I just need some biscuits but I'm too cold and achy to leave my bed.....


Sarah Jarvis said...

Oh no! Feel better soooooon! I do love tea as well, especially in the winter since I get sick of water...

Smart Helm said...

I didn't know you are ill! I'm sorry. You don't need to come down then even though I know you are a sharing person.
Also, apparently you have a book I need to borrow :)

Chelsea said...

I think you've read too many english novels of late, mostly because you just said "of late." Ha ha! I love how reading a books makes you start sounding like the author. And I hope you feel better. Nothing makes me appreciate my good health more than being sick. It's the worst!

Bethanie said...

I'm sorry that you are sick. Last night I was sick, but it is only the 12 hour kind where you do not want to be drinking tea. Love ya!

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