Tuesday, July 27, 2010

visitors welcome

Ok, Melanie and I didn't eat any pie or have any beer (root or otherwise) so we didn't officially celebrate PieandBeer Day. We still had fun.

We went to the Pioneer Celebration at North Park in Provo.

Old cars, including this fireengine.

There were little boothes, including a guy that told us he was one of 17 certified tatting instructors in the US. He knew a lot about lace.

Melanie got a frozen banana and that was way tasty. I bought some bananas afterwards so I can try it myself.

Then we went to check out the Provo Farmers Market. In which there was maybe 3 farmers. The rest were fair type boothes. Melanie got some honey and I bought some garlic, and then we got some tasty vitals. Melanie got a bowl of chicken (huli huli?) and rice for $2 and I got a way tasty buritto and a lamb taco (they were out of carne asada). We also got some mint lemonade which was so tasty and refreshing that I'll have to make some myself.

It was a nice day and we spent some time in the great outdoors.

Hung out at the home, and wanted to go to the rodeo but it was all sold out :(
Instead we got some dinner at Rooster, and then some dessert at Farr's icecream

We spent the evening out on the porch enjoying the cool of the evening and chatting, later on with Cathy.

Although it was a short visit and Melanie was sad to go, I was sure happy she came, and wanted to let others know they are welcome to come visit too!

To even it up, Melanie posted too...


Sarah Jarvis said...

Fun times! I love the Pioneer Day thing at North Park. We have been there every year until this year... THe boys went camping. Too bad. I would have loved to run into you!

Smart Helm said...

I had lots of fun too and was very sad to go home. But that shore wasn't a very nice picture to put in at the end!

Jamie Pearson said...

im sad i dont get to hang out with you guys. you should come visit me

helmhq said...

Sounds like a fun 24th. I see that you two are into posting "unusual" pictures of each other, (remember you are my beautiful daughters). Glad you got to spend the time together, just wish we could have had you here or joined you.

txparkinsons said...

you guys are so funny!