Monday, July 19, 2010


So the washing machine stopped working. grrr. Could hear it running, but no movement. I decided to see if I could fix it. The internet is amazing! I looked up various sights and thought I new what was wrong with it. However, the only way to tell for sure was to take it apart.

Mama and I followed some instructions on the web, and it was amazing how we were able to take the thing apart. We found a u-tube video to help us, and sure enough we pulled the motor out and found that it was the drive coupling. The only thing that was different was we couldn't figure out how to pull the pump off. We still managed to pull the motor off, and as soon as that happened, there was the broken coupling.

Since it was memorial weekend we had to wait to get a new part, but it cost only $13. Then we followed the directions in reverse and put the thing back to gether and it worked! The hardest part was figuring out how to get the cabinet back on, but we watched the u-tube thing a couple of times and on it went.

Yay for us!


helmhq said...

Pretty brave, and smart. Congratulations to both of you. I think you saved a lot of money. Maybe I can call on you next time something breaks around here and Dad can't get to it.

Neita and Nate said...

That is amazing!! You are amazing! We've used the internet to fix things too, it's great!

Smart Helm said...

That is awesome. Very impressed with ur smarts! Its the engineer in u coming out :-)

Montana at the Helm said...

I am so impressed Emily! That is awesome. I never would have done it!