Friday, July 30, 2010

other veggies

I grew these for the first time... Kohlrabi. It is very tasty, and wasn't too hard to grow. I'll try to grow even more next year.

Cucumbers. Guess which one is called Japanese Long?

They are really mild and have grown well.


Smart Helm said...

Ur right, they are tasty! Tandra was jealous of the homegrown cucumbers I was eating at work :-)

Sarah Jarvis said...

LOVE homegrown cukes. They are the best! So glad you get to harvest all your good stuff!

Jamie Pearson said...

I wish my garden did half as well as yours. I have gotten one cuke and my tomatoes are crap the only thing I have going is the basil at least that is good. miss ya

helmhq said...

Mom used to grow Kohlrabi. I liked it. Never seemed to have room in my small gardening space. Have yet to see any harvest except a little spinach and lots of chard.