Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Family Reunion Day 2

Melanie finally did a synopsis so you can check out hers for a better outline of the reunion. None the less, here is day two: After a scrumpteous breakfast by Jared and Amy we headed to Zions. First we had to pack our lunches and it was fast and everyone was happy with the variety available. All the kids seemed to like to pack their lunches and water bottles into their own stuff sacks. Jared demonstrated how to appropriately yell in a tunnel which I then used for the rest of the to and from Zion adventures.

Both Gaige and Hannah told me that they had never been on a bus before and were very excited about this. We just about filled an entire bus!

We did the easy Emerald Pools Hike. Since we weren't going to go very far, I left my big water bottle in the car. Regretted that later since it ended up being way hot!

This is my favorite part, the water dripping! It was much cooler there. Malina saw me getting my hat wet and thought that was a great idea. I liked being able to be different hiking buddies with my nephews and neices.

The first two pools weren't too bad. They weren't that big or green, but the little tadpoles were fun to catch for the kids who were so inclined.

Then we went to the upper pool and it wasn't that bad, but it was hot, no shade, and we didn't have enough water. Just about killed off mom and dad.

I'm suprised more of the kids didn't play in the water with me and Gaige. But I guess they were tired out too.

We made a pretty impressive group!

(This picture is of Mom and Alec who found a seperate seat)

I drank so much water when we got back down. Fortunately going down seemed to be easier then going up! It was funny to watch a couple of the little girls (I think it was Hannah and Malina) try to chug their water like I did!

I think people were still pretty tired out so we sat inside the lodge were it was cool and once we were cooled down everyone opened their pack to finish their lunches. Again it was so fun to look around and see all these people that I love so much!

So we got back on the buses and finished the scenic tour. The more intreped people got out to do the weeping rock hike. Melanie, Aaron, and I decided to check out the river hike (which is what we would've done if Angela had been able to come). Its only a mile but half way there we sat down in some shade and then decided we really didn't need to go further. I think the effects of the heat and dehydration tired us out!

This huge moth was in the path so Aaron picked it up to get it out of the way. I think it was dying as it wasn't doing much. I put it on a tree and it was there on the way back.

While resting in the shade we met a squirrell who was sure we were going to feed it. It wouldn't take no for an answer. I think Aaron may have gotten a picture. He threw little pieces of stick at it and it just sat there and closed its eyes. It would back off for a bit when we threw some dirt but not really. Squirting some water seemed to have an effect. He went and rolled in the dust and then came back. When some other hikers stopped to rest the squirell went to check them out and they shewed away the now "mangy looking squirrell." When it came up to me I poked it with a stick and it just sat there and that freaked me out. I've never seen a wild creature just take that!

So after our squirrell adventures we headed back and ran into the weeping rock group so we all went back together.

That night we started some olympic events, including the discuss, the 100 meter dash, and the biatholon. All so fun and everyone got into it.

Dinner was great and Neita had made cake for Jared's birthday. Happy Bday Jared! Sorry I ddin't get you anything!

I didn't make it to the swimming pool but the reports from the guys who went was that it was pretty nice. Aaron and Bethanie had to do some kid rescuing when they went the next day. THe following night I did get in the hot tub which felt nice! Its amazing how much it cooled off at night. Anyways Day 2 was a success.


helmhq said...

You are awesome. Loved the picture of Melina catching drops. I hadn't heard of some of those adventures, like the squirrel etc. You just can't be everywhere at once. And Dad and I weren't that bad. We just looked worse than you younger kids!!

Smart Helm said...

Good job on this day. I really had nothing! I'm glad u documented our travels too. I really do like Zions, just earlier or later in the season! Are we still on for going in Oct?