Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Peas glorious peas

I always sing that in the spring.

Finally got the peas in the ground after soaking them and innoculating them! I planted 4 kinds and hopefully this year I can keep track of them and then tell what kinds I like. Super sugar snap and Cascadia sugar snap, Little marvel and Wando (shell peas).

Also I've got seedlings! Whoohoo. squash started coming up first, and some melons (I think), and now little tomatoes are popping up. I'm going to get some wall o waters and some little night hats once they get big enough to put outside. I don't think the last frost date is until May.

Anyhoo i'm so excited for spring. I still have tons of work to do but I'm happier knowing the peas are planted. I'll probably plant some letuce and spinach later this week around the peas.

This zuchinni sprout got too tall for the covered container so I cut out the peat pot and moved him to his own pretty bowl.

Speaking of sprouts, Malinda had her little Peter yesterday afternoon. Happy Birthday Peter!


Chelsea said...

Yay for little sprouts! And cute little rice bowl, too. :)

helmhq said...

Doesn't that just do you heart good. Thanks for sharing.

Smart Helm said...

Man.. I really did think I was the first to post. I love you!

Go little peas and sprouts! Mm.. that reminds me. I should grow some sprouts.

Jamie Pearson said...

Yeah for sprouts! mine are coming up too and its so exciting. Glad your garden is already doing so good.

Sarah Jarvis said...

I love beans. And they look so great in the little boxes. I am soooo happy for Malinda. Tell her Hi from me when you talk to her next.

Bethanie said...

I'm a little green with envy. That or because I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open. Doesn't it make you feel great when you see those little green things pop up out of the ground?